
The ninth NHR@FAU Newsletter is now available. The newsletter is a publication that summarizes recent and upcoming events in and around the Erlangen National High Performance Computing Center. These are the current topics: NHR@FAU Annual Report 2021 •  Upcoming Courses in Winter 2022 • ClusterCoc...

Kategorie: HPC, NHR-Newsletter

At JuliaCon 2022 last week, Carsten Bauer from PC2 Paderborn gave a great talk on using hardware performance counters in Julia programs with LIKWID.jl, the Julia wrapper for the LIKWID library. With LIKWID.jl, you can leverage the full power of the LIKWID library, first and foremost counting perform...

Kategorie: HPC, Tools

We are happy to host the first NHR monitoring workshop. The topic of the workshop is job-specific performance monitoring on HPC clusters. Everyone interested in this topic is invited. This is a F2F event with a mix of invited talks, discussion sessions, and hands-on demos.  We will offer the option ...

Kategorie: Allgemein

The next HPC Café takes place as a hybrid event (in person + Zoom) on Tuesday, July 12, at 4 p.m. The HPC Café is an opportunity to get to know each other and to stay up to speed with current developments at NHR@FAU. After a general Q&A phase, the focus will be put on advanced or application-...

Kategorie: Allgemein

The NHR Alliance offers PhD scholarships at each of its nine centers. A scholarship runs for three years. If you have a master's degree in computer science, mathematics, the natural or engineering sciences, or an equivalent degree and are interested in High Performance Computing, this fellowship pro...

Kategorie: HPC, NHR Graduate School

The newly established NHR Graduate School of the NHR Alliance (NHR-Verein e.V.) offers PhD scholarships to applicants from Germany, Europe, and all over the world. From June 13-17, the first batch of eight newly minted PhD students took part in the first NHR Graduate School course week at the Zuse I...

Kategorie: Allgemein, HPC

The eighth NHR@FAU Newsletter is now available. The newsletter is a publication that summarizes recent and upcoming events in and around the Erlangen National High Performance Computing Center. These are the current topics: Official Application Process for NHR@FAU Resources •  Welcome Dr. Shahzad...

Kategorie: HPC, NHR-Newsletter