HPC User Training
If you want to apply for an HPC account, you can find out more about the application process, the available HPC systems and their general usage guidelines in our Getting Started Guide.
On every second Tuesday of the month we organize the HPC-Cafe at RRZE. This is an event where you can get in touch with us in person, discuss problems and ask questions. There are short talks on how to efficiently use the HPC Systems and other relevant topics. New users and HPC beginners in general are offered a crash course for the first steps on our HPC systems. And last but not least there is free coffee and cake!
We are also able and willing to come to your chair or research group and give you a general introduction to HPC for beginners, with a special focus on the systems at RRZE. We can adapt the depth and focus of the talk according to your needs. Please contact us via hpc-support@fau.de if you are interested. Slides from recent presentations can be found here:
2023-07-12 – HPC in a Nutshell
Computer Architecture 101 for Scientists
2019-04-26 – HPC in a Nutshell (Part 1) Video recording (access only with FAU IdM login)
2019-05-09 – HPC in a Nutshell (Part 2) Video recording (access only with FAU IdM login)
Recommended Courses
Courses for HPC core skills:
- Parallel Programming of High Performance Systems: general introduction to programming for HPC system, one-week block course, held once a year as cooperation of RRZE and LRZ at alternating locations
- Parallel Programming Workshop (OpenMP and MPI) held by Rolf Rabenseifner at various locations
- Introduction to hybrid programming in HPC held by HLRS, RRZE, and VSC (Vienna Scientific Cluster) at various locations
Node-Level Performance Engineering held by us (RRZE) at various locations
Programming language specific courses:
- Fortran for Scientific Computing held by Uwe Küster at HLRS
- Programming with Fortran held by Reinhold Bader at LRZ
- Advanced Fortran Topics held by Reinhold Bader at LRZ
- C++ with Focus on Software Engineering (Intermediate and Advanced courses) held by Klaus Iglberger at various locations
Domain specific courses:
- Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics held by Sabine Roller, Harald Klimach (all Uni Siegen), Klaus Dieter Munz (Uni Stuttgart) and many more at various locations
- Iterative Linear Solvers and Parallelization held by Andreas Meister (Uni Kassel) and Rolf Rabenseifner (HLRS) at various locations
There is a wealth of other tutorials and workshops at German HPC centers. These courses are often provided free of charge for academic attendees. A good overview about upcoming courses can be found in the Gauss-Allianz HPC-Calendar, the HLRS training portal and the LRZ training portal.
Have a look in above course portals if you are interested in application domain specific or even application specific workshops.
An overview of our past courses is available here in the Teaching&Training section..