
It is our pleasure to announce the third NHR@FAU Newsletter. The newsletter is a publication that summarizes recent and upcoming events in and around the Erlangen National High Performance Computing Center. Beyond events, every newsletter highlights special or noteworthy achievements by NHR scientis...

Category: Allgemein, HPC, NHR-Newsletter

Many of our users at FAU are aware that it is possible to allocate more than one GPU on a TinyGPU node. The reason behind running a calculation on more than one GPU is quite simply a hope for increased performance, since gathering the appropriate amount of data for research is often time consuming. ...

Category: Allgemein, HPC

It is our pleasure to announce the first NHR@FAU Newsletter. The newsletter is a publication that summarizes recent and upcoming events in and around the Erlangen National High Performance Computing Center. Beyond events, every newsletter will highlight special or noteworthy achievements by NHR scie...

Category: Allgemein, HPC, NHR-Newsletter

Gerhard Wellein, managing director of the Erlangen National High Performance Computing Center (NHR@FAU), is invited for a seminar talk at the Scalable Parallel Computing Lab (SPCL) Bcast seminar at ETH Zürich. Everyone is invited to attend. Title: Performance Engineering for Sparse Matrix-Vector ...

Category: Allgemein