
The Horizon2020 Center-of-Execellence projects EoCoE-II (of which HPC@RRZE is a member) and Exa2Pro are organizing a joint remote workshop that will showcase their respective breakthrough work in the field of computer science from February 22 to February 24, 2021. Overview of the agenda: Day 1...

Category: Allgemein, HPC

We are happy to announce that our paper "Performance Modeling of Streaming Kernels and Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication on A64FX" has been awarded the "Best Short Paper Award" at PMBS20, the "11th International Workshop on Performance Modeling, Benchmarking, and Simulation of High Performance Com...

Category: HPC

The HPC group is pleased to host the next webinar organized by the European Energy-Oriented Center of Excellence (EoCoE). The webinar will cover streaming kernels and sparse matrix-vector multiplication on the A64FX processor. It is free and open to everyone. If you are interested in attending, plea...

Category: Allgemein, HPC

We are proud to announce the HPC@RRZE Youtube channel. Lecture and tutorial videos, promotional clips, talks, and more will be published at: We've set up some playlists to help you navigate the vast amount of content :-) LIKWID performance tools videos Parallel Pr...

Category: HPC, Teaching

Our most popular tutorial was accepted again for the SC20 conference in Atlanta! SC is a 100% virtual event this year. The tutorial will be airing on November 9 and 10 as a number of pre-recorded presentations and live Q&A sessions. There’s still time to register: ...

Category: HPC, Teaching

We are happy to announce a new bugfix release 5.0.2 of LIKWID. If you want to use LIKWID on AMD Zen/Zen2 systems, we highly recommend you updating your installation.

Category: HPC, Tools

The HPC group at the RRZE organized the ZKI AK Supercomputing (September 10th/11th, 2020), a biannual meeting for academic HPC data centers as well as industry partners. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year's event was online only with Zoom. There were about 80 registrations for the event with 40...

Category: Allgemein

Finally, our work on the Recursive Algebraic Coloring Engine (RACE) is officially published in the ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing: C. L. Alappat, G. Hager, O. Schenk, J. Thies, A. Basermann, A. R. Bishop, H. Fehske, and G. Wellein: A Recursive Algebraic Coloring Technique for Hardware-Eff...

Category: HPC