
The next HPC Café takes place on Tuesday, October 11, at 4 p.m. as a hybrid event (in person + Zoom). We invite you to come to RRZE's seminar room 2.049 to have coffee and cake, and as always, there will also be plenty of time to get in touch with your favorite HPC group. The monthly HPC Café is ...

Category: Allgemein, HPC, Teaching

We are pleased to announce that the paper “MD-Bench: A generic proxy-app toolbox for state-of-the-art molecular dynamics algorithms” by Rafael Ravedutti Lucio Machado, Jan Eitzinger, Harald Köstler, and Gerhard Wellein just received the best paper award at PPAM 2022, the 14th International Conferenc...

Category: Allgemein, HPC

The next HPC Café takes place on Tuesday, September 13, at 4 p.m. as a hybrid event (in person + Zoom). We invite you to come to RRZE's seminar room 2.049 to have coffee and cake, and as always, there will also be plenty of time to get in touch with your favorite HPC group. The monthly HPC Café i...

Category: HPC

We are happy to announce the new version 5.2.2 of the LIKWID toolsuite. It contains bugfixes for various architectures and execution modes. You can download it from our FTP server or the GitHub repository. Changelog: Fix pin string parsing in pinning library Make SBIN path configurable...

Category: Tools

The ninth NHR@FAU Newsletter is now available. The newsletter is a publication that summarizes recent and upcoming events in and around the Erlangen National High Performance Computing Center. These are the current topics: NHR@FAU Annual Report 2021 •  Upcoming Courses in Winter 2022 • ClusterCoc...

Category: HPC, NHR-Newsletter

Our popular "Node-Level Performance Engineering" full-day tutorial has been accepted again (now the eleventh time in a row!) for presentation at SC22, the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis. We teach the basics of node-level computer architectur...

Category: All, HPC

At JuliaCon 2022 last week, Carsten Bauer from PC2 Paderborn gave a great talk on using hardware performance counters in Julia programs with LIKWID.jl, the Julia wrapper for the LIKWID library. With LIKWID.jl, you can leverage the full power of the LIKWID library, first and foremost counting perform...

Category: HPC, Tools