EoCoE-II Performance Evaluation Workshop at FAU
The first “Performance Evaluation Workshop” of the EoCoE-II project was successfully conducted at FAU from October 7-10, 2019. The workshop gave an introduction to node-level performance engineering and to parallel performance analysis using the Paraver tool.

EoCoE-II is the second phase of the “Energy-Oriented Center of Excellence,” a project which is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement 824158.
Within EoCoE-II, our group will analyze the simulation codes under development in the project, working with developers and extracting basic performance features via proxy applications. As a first step in this direction, the performance evaluation workshop comprised lectures and hands-on exercises about performance modeling and optimization. In addition, Judit Gimenez from Barcelona Supercomputing Center gave an introduction to the POP performance analysis methodology and the Paraver tool. Participants from France, Spain, Italy, and Germany enjoyed a lively workshop and got into gear for several more events to come.