The 16th NHR@FAU Newsletter is available. This publication summarizes recent and upcoming events in and around the Erlangen National High Performance Computing Center. These are the current topics: Online "Node-Level Performance Engineering" Tutorial at LRZ  •  Upcoming Talks in the NHR PerfLa...

Category: Allgemein, NHR-Newsletter

From September 18–20, 2023, the first NHR conference took place on site at the Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB). Almost 200 domain scientists, HPC consultants, decision makers, and administrative staff interacted at a vibrant event, which not only served to reflect the current state of the NHR effort but...

Category: All, Allgemein, HPC

This course introduces the molecular dynamics engine GROMACS, including fundamental commands and applications. Over three days (October 10-12, 2023, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m), the participants will learn how to prepare and run simulations of biomolecular systems (including, e.g., membranes and proteins) at a...

Category: All, Allgemein, HPC, Teaching

The 15th NHR@FAU Newsletter is available. This publication summarizes recent and upcoming events in and around the Erlangen National High Performance Computing Center. These are the current topics: NHR@FAU Annual Report 2022  •  First NHR Conference in Berlin •  Core-Level Performance Engineer...

Category: Allgemein, NHR-Newsletter

Last night (Monday, August 28 @ 23:00) one of the network file server (NFS) stopped working. As a consequence, many login and compute nodes became unresponsive as a major file system ($WORK for NHR projects) cannot be accessed. We are working on resolving the issue. Batch processing on Alex an...

Category: HPC, Systems

The annual NHR Conference aims at promoting scientific exchange among the HPC user community. The goal of the conference is to bring together HPC users working on selected topics, varying each year. For this year, the topics are: Atomistic Simulations, Life Sciences, and Agent-based Simulations. Thi...

Category: All, Allgemein, HPC