Author: Katja Augustin

The annual NHR Conference aims at promoting scientific exchange among the HPC user community. The goal of the conference is to bring together HPC users working on selected topics, varying each year. For this year, the topics are: Atomistic Simulations, Life Sciences, and Agent-based Simulations. Thi...

Category: All, Allgemein, HPC

Do you need hardware resources and expert support to make your code perform better? Apply for funding and collaborate with HPC experts at LRZ or NHR@FAU. The Competence Network for Scientific High Performance Computing in Bavaria (KONWIHR), funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the...

Category: All, Allgemein, HPC

The ISC High Performance 2023 conference in Hamburg is over and the NHR@FAU team can look back on a successful participation with presentations, awards, a quiz, and many other activities. Ten days before the actual conference, Georg Hager conducted a half-day online course titled "A Beginner's In...

Category: All, Allgemein, HPC

We are proud to announce that our colleague and PhD student Ayesha Afzal has won the "Global Award of Achievement 2023," presented by WeAreTheCity, a free centralized hub that provides information via networking to women who wish to progress in their careers. The Global Award of Achievement 2023 is ...

Category: Allgemein