First master student from EUMaster4HPC program to do his master thesis at NHR@FAU

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We welcome Jean-Yves Verhaeghe to the group! He is the first student from the EUMaster4HPC program to do his master thesis at NHR@FAU.

The HPC European Consortium Leading Education Activities (EUMaster4HPC) aims to develop a new and innovative European Master program focusing on high performance solutions to ensure the digital transformation and the sustainability of high-priority economic sectors. The master program catalyzes various aspects of the HPC ecosystem and its applications into different scientific and industrial domains. EUMaster4HPC students benefit from meeting professionals of HPC during the EuroHPC Summit and from annual Summer Schools on top of a variety of workshops. Students are required to spend their second year at one of the partner universities participating in the program.

Jean-Yves did his double Bachelor of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Université Paris Cité. He also did his first year of EUMaster4HPC at Sorbonne Université, which offers a double master in Computer Science and Mathematics as well. He then joined FAU for a Computational Engineering degree, focusing on AI. Being part of the first EUMaster4HPC cohort, Jean-Yves and his fellow students had to break some new ground as many administrative details had to be sorted out.

In his master thesis, Jean-Yves will investigate innovative ways to visualize MPI program traces, with a special focus on idle waves and spontaneous desynchronization. This is an emerging field of research with many surprising insights, as shown in numerous publications by our group in recent years.