Monthly HPC Café: Mid-term hardware strategy at NHR@FAU – upcoming procurements and systems decommission (April 25, hybrid event)

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The next HPC Café takes place on Tuesday, April 25, at 4 p.m. as a hybrid event (in person + Zoom). We invite you to come to RRZE’s seminar room 2.049 to have coffee and cake, and as always, there will also be plenty of time to get in touch with your favorite HPC group.

The monthly HPC Café is an opportunity to get to know each other and to stay up to speed with current developments at NHR@FAU. After a general Q&A phase, the focus will be put on advanced or application-specific topics. In the HPC Café we also offer short talks about anything HPC related, from running job scripts to performance issues. The Café is also an informal platform to give feedback or talk about general requests.

The event will start with the open coffee chat and Q&A. At 4:30 p.m., the presentation will start to allow remote attendees to join on time.

Topic:  Mid-term hardware strategy at NHR@FAU – upcoming procurements and systems decommission

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Wellein, NHR@FAU

Location: seminar room 2.049 (RRZE, Martensstrasse 1, 91058 Erlangen) and Zoom


Abstract: This HPC Café will detail on upcoming procurements and other changes in the hardware facilities at NHR@FAU. We will give hints and guidelines to prepare for the decommissioning of the Meggie cluster and collect feedback from our customers (i.e., you) about requirements for future systems. Currently, we are preparing the procurement of the next NHR@FAU CPU and GPU clusters. For this, your input will be extremely valuable to us: What do you miss in the current NHR@FAU clusters? Is the storage capacity and performance sufficient? Will you need more highly parallel resources in the future? This is your perfect opportunity to get involved.

Material from past events is available on: