We are proud to announce a three-day online course on "Python for HPC," organized by the Max Planck Computing and Data Facility (MPCDF). FAU students and scientists are eligible to participate free of charge. The Python programming language has become very popular in scientific computing for vari...

Category: HPC, Teaching

The 13th NHR@FAU Newsletter is available. This publication summarizes recent and upcoming events in and around the Erlangen National High Performance Computing Center. These are the current topics: Call for Large-Scale Compute Projects • NHR@FAU Two-Year Anniversary and Results Symposium • Suc...

Category: NHR-Newsletter

On March 15, 2023, NHR@FAU celebrated its two-year anniversary with representatives from politics, science and administration and gave revealing insights into future-oriented interdisciplinary research fields and high-performance computing systems. In several welcome addresses and talks they illustr...

Category: Allgemein, HPC

Speaker: Dr. rer. nat. Joachim Jenke, RWTH Aachen University, Chair of Computer Science (High Performance Computing) Title: Asynchronous MPI communication with OpenMP tasks - spawning task dependency graphs across nodes Date and time: Tuesday, April 4, 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. CEST Slides ...

Category: HPC, NHR-PerfLab-Seminar, Teaching

The 35th Molecular Modelling Workshop 2023 (March 13—15) in Erlangen provides researchers, postdoctoral scientists, and graduate students with the perfect opportunity to present their results to the molecular modelling community. Scientists at the beginning of their academic career are able to meet ...

Category: HPC