Scheduled downtime of all HPC systems on May 21


There will be a scheduled downtime of all the HPC systems of NHR@FAU on Tuesday, May 21, starting at 00:00 and lasting all day. (*) As usual, Jobs that would collide with the downtime will be postponed until the downtime is over. Most frontends and fileservers will be available most of the time, but there may be short interruptions (usually a few minutes). /home/woody a.k.a. $WORK for Tier-3 accounts will be unavailable for the whole maintenance period.

Update 13:30: we’re done, batch processing will be resumed on clusters soon.
Update 13:30: batch processing on Alex and Fritz has been resumed.
Update 13:55: batch processing on Meggie has been resumed.
Update 14:00: batch processing on Woody has been resumed.
Update 14:15: batch processing on TinyGPU and TinyFat has been resumed.