NHR@FAU facilitates research at FAU and beyond

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On March 15, 2023, NHR@FAU celebrated its two-year anniversary with representatives from politics, science and administration and gave revealing insights into future-oriented interdisciplinary research fields and high-performance computing systems. In several welcome addresses and talks they illustrated that computing power, storage capacity, comprehensive technical support, and designated expertise as provided by the NHR@FAU have become an indispensable element of science.

After the lectures, the guests were invited to join a guided tour to the supercomputer “Fritz”, which is located in the chiller plant at FAU’s south campus. The following day, in a Results Symposium more than 20 researchers showcased pioneering insights that have been achieved with the two new supercomputers “Alex” and “Fritz.” This event proved impressively that the efforts that were put into ramping up the center’s operations over the past two years have been worthwhile.

The NHR@FAU was founded at the FAU on January 1, 2021 as one of nine new national centers for high-performance computing at German universities. The center provides high-performance computing (HPC) resources and expertise to FAU, the entire region of Northern Bavaria, and to all academic institutions in Germany. Moreover, the NHR@FAU manages the joint performance engineering activities within the NHR Alliance and is a focal point of special application expertise in the field of atomistic simulations in chemistry, life science, and materials science.


Prof. Dr. Gerhard Wellein

Professorship for High Performance Computing, Head of NHR@FAU

Department of Computer Science
Professorship for High Performance Computing