Dr. Harald Lanig

PD Dr. Harald Lanig, Dipl.-Chem.

Executive Secretary

Erlangen National High Performance Computing Center (NHR@FAU)
Administrative Office

Room: Room 2.043 c/o RRZE
NHR@FAU, Martensstraße 1
91058 Erlangen

About me

I received my Dr. rer. nat. from the Institute of Physical Chemistry at the Julius-Maximilians University of Würzburg. The German title of my thesis, supervised by Prof. Dr. Friedemann W. Schneider, is “Das intramolekulare Deaktivierungsverhalten elektronisch angeregter Arylverbindungen: Fluoreszenzspektroskopie und semiempirische Modellrechnungen”. After joining the research group of Prof. Dr. Tim Clark at the Computer-Chemie-Centrum of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, I finished my Habilitation in Pharmaceutical Chemistry on “Molecular dynamics simulations to investigate structure and properties of small organic molecules and biopolymers” in 2012. From 11/2013 to 10/2019, I was the Managing Director of the Central Institute for Scientific Computing (ZISC) at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (see the campus map). Then, as ZISC coworker, I was responsible for the Research Data Management within the Collaborative Research Centers CRC 814 (Additive Manufacturing) and CRC 1411 (Design of Particulate Products).

After moving to the University’s new established National Center for High Performance Compting (NHR@FAU), I am holding the position of an Executive Secretary at the NHR@FAU administrative office. Beside administrative tasks, my research activities focus on the application of comparative modelling techniques, molecular dynamics simulations, and protein-ligand docking methods to investigate structure, properties and function of biomolecules and their interactions.

Information about me in Google Scholar Scopus ORCID PubMed

List of Publications








  • :
    Molecular Dynamics
    In: Chemoinformatics: Basic Concepts and Methods, Weinheim: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, , p. 303-321
  • :
    Molecular Mechanics
    In: Chemoinformatics: Basic Concepts and Methods, Weinheim: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, , p. 303-321


  • Fechner U, de Graaf C, Torda AE, Güssregen S, Evers A, Matter H, Hessler G, Richmond NJ, Schmidtke P, Segler MHS, Waller MP, Pleik S, Shea JE, Levine Z, Mullen R, van den Broek K, Epple M, Kuhn H, Truszkowski A, Zielesny A, Fraaije JH, Gracia RS, Kast SM, Bulusu KC, Bender A, Yosipof A, Nahum O, Senderowitz H, Krotzky T, Schulz R, Wolber G, Bietz S, Rarey M, Zimmermann MO, Lange A, Ruff M, Heidrich J, Onlia I, Exner TE, Boeckler FM, Bermudez M, Firaha DS, Hollóczki O, Kirchner B, Tautermann CS, Volkamer A, Eid S, Turk S, Rippmann F, Fulle S, Saleh N, Saladino G, Gervasio FL, Haensele E, Banting L, Whitley DC, Oliveira Santos JS, Bureau R, Clark T, Sandmann A, Lanig H, Kibies P, Heil J, Hoffgaard F, Frach R, Engel J, Smith S, Basu D, Rauh D, Kohlbacher O, Boeckler FM, Essex JW, Bodnarchuk MS, Ross GA, Finkelmann AR, Göller AH, Schneider G, Husch T, Schütter C, Balducci A, Korth M, Ntie-Kang F, Günther S, Sippl W, Mbaze LM, Ntie-Kang F, Simoben CV, Lifongo LL, Ntie-Kang F, Judson P, Barilla J, Lokajíček MV, Pisaková H, Simr P, Kireeva N, Petrov A, Ostroumov D, Solovev VP, Pervov VS, Friedrich NO, Sommer K, Rarey M, Kirchmair J, Proschak E, Weber J, Moser D, Kalinowski L, Achenbach J, Mackey M, Cheeseright T, Renner G, Renner G, Schmidt TC, Schram J, Egelkraut-Holtus M, van Oeyen A, Kalliokoski T, Fourches D, Ibezim A, Mbah CJ, Adikwu UM, Nwodo NJ, Steudle A, Masek BB, Nagy S, Baker D, Soltanshahi F, Dorfman R, Dubrucq K, Patel H, Koch O, Mrugalla F, Kast SM, Ain QU, Fuchs JE, Owen RM, Omoto K, Torella R, Pryde DC, Glen R, Bender A, Hošek P, Spiwok V, Mervin LH, Barrett I, Firth M, Murray DC, McWilliams L, Cao Q, Engkvist O, Warszycki D, Śmieja M, Bojarski AJ, Aniceto N, Freitas A, Ghafourian T, Herrmann G, Eigner-Pitto V, Naß A, Kurczab R, Bojarski AJ, Lange A, Günther MB, Hennig S, Büttner FM, Schall C, Sievers-Engler A, Ansideri F, Koch P, Stehle T, Laufer S, Böckler FM, Zdrazil B, Montanari F, Ecker GF, Grebner C, Hogner A, Ulander J, Edman K, Guallar V, Tyrchan C, Ulander J, Tyrchan C, Klute W, Bergström F, Kramer C, Nguyen QD, Frach R, Kibies P, Strohfeldt S, Böttcher S, Pongratz T, Horinek D, Kast SM, Rupp B, Al-Yamori R, Lisurek M, Kühne R, Furtado F, van den Broek K, Wessjohann L, Mathea M, Baumann K, Mohamad-Zobir SZ, Fu X, Fan TP, Bender A, Kuhn MA, Sotriffer CA, Zoufir A, Li X, Mervin L, Berg E, Polokoff M, Ihlenfeldt WD, Ihlenfeldt WD, Pretzel J, Alhalabi Z, Fraczkiewicz R, Waldman M, Clark RD, Shaikh N, Garg P, Kos A, Himmler HJ, Sandmann A, Jardin C, Sticht H, Steinbrecher TB, Dahlgren M, Cappel D, Lin T, Wang L, Krilov G, Abel R, Friesner R, Sherman W, Pöhner IA, Panecka J, Wade RC, Bietz S, Schomburg KT, Hilbig M, Rarey M, Jäger C, Wieczorek V, Westerhoff LM, Borbulevych OY, Demuth HU, Buchholz M, Schmidt D, Rickmeyer T, Krotzky T, Kolb P, Mittal S, Sánchez-García E, Nogueira MS, Oliveira TB, da Costa FB, Schmidt TJ:
    11th German Conference on Chemoinformatics (GCC 2015) : Fulda, Germany. 8-10 November 2015.
    In: Journal of Cheminformatics 8 (), p. 18
    ISSN: 1758-2946
    DOI: 10.1186/s13321-016-0119-5
  • , , , , , , , , , , :
    Functional consequence of fibulin-4 missense mutations associated with vascular and skeletal abnormalities and cutis laxa
    In: Matrix Biology 56 (), p. 132-149
    ISSN: 0945-053X
    DOI: 10.1016/j.matbio.2016.06.003