
As already announced in the HPC Cafe in January for summer, we will now reinstall the RTX2080Ti and V100 nodes in TinyGPU with Ubuntu 20.04 (instead of Ubuntu 18.04) and integrate them into the Slurm batch system of the RTX3080/A100 GPU nodes. First RTX2080Ti and V100 nodes have already been reinstalled and moved to Slurm in the past days. The remaining nodes will follow gradually until end of October to allow a smooth transition.

Category: HPC, Systems

We are pleased to announce an invited talk by Benjamin Huth from the University of Regensburg about "Vectorized matrix-multiplication on the NEC SX-Aurora." The NEC SX-Aurora "Tsubasa" is NEC's latest vector processor architecture. Last year, RRZE has acquired a system with two "Tsubasa" vector a...

Category: All, Systems