
Last Monday, the NHR@FAU invited scientists from closely connected research groups, customers, supporters, and long-time companions to an end-of-year meeting to review and celebrate a successful year of 2024 together. We would like to thank everyone for their support and the excellent cooperation...

Category: Allgemein

We are happy to announce a bugfix release of LIKWID (5.4.1). This is what got fixed: Fixes linking errors due to missing bstrlib.h Fix for likwid-bench kernel stream_mem Fix builds with CUDA for versions 11.2 to 12.6 Fix sysfeatures with ACCESSMODE=perf_event Add AMD Zen1 to Zen...

Category: HPC, Tools

Today at about 10:45 a.m., a large-area power outage in Erlangen has brought all our clusters down. All running jobs have been terminated. Some frontends have been switched off manually to lower the load on the uninterruptible power supply infrastructure. We are working to get the systems running...

Category: Allgemein, HPC, Systems

“HPC creates” was the motto of this year's Supercomputing Conference (SC24), which took place in Atlanta, Georgia from November 17 to 22. The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis is the largest and best-known event for HPC experts worldwide, and ...

Category: Allgemein, HPC

After a year without an update, we are happy to release the new version 5.4.0 of LIKWID. This is what's new: Support for Intel Granite Rapids (core, energy, uncore) Support for Intel Sierra Forest (core, energy, uncore) Support for AMD Bergamo (core, energy, uncore) Support for Nvi...

Category: HPC, Tools