
Since 20:10 on January 30, the parallel Lustre file system ($FASTTMP) on the Fritz cluster is unavailable due to repeated server crashes. The issue is being investigated. Update 2025-01-31 17:00: The issue turned out to be a faulty component in the Infiniband network of Fritz, the Lustre servers ...

Category: Allgemein, HPC, Systems

We are excited to announce calls for papers for two workshops organized by our PhD student Ayesha Afzal in collaboration with other NHR centers and worldwide partners: The workshop Energy Efficiency with Sustainable Performance: Techniques, Tools, and Best Practices (EESP), organized in collabora...

Category: Allgemein

Since Wednesday (2025-01-22) evening, some nodes in TinyGPU and TinyFAT seem to have problems accessing NFS directories. This will lead to issues like Jobs mysteriously hanging, or interactive jobs starting but never opening a shell prompt. Update 2025-01-23 09:30: This issue should now be resolv...

Category: Allgemein, HPC, Systems

When Europe's most powerful supercomputer JUPITER starts operating in May 2025, Germany's best generative AI model will be determined in a competition. Last Friday, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) opened the “Gauss AI Compute Competition,” which is conducted by the Gauss Center...

Category: Allgemein, HPC

New year, new opportunities to learn: we are happy to announce the NHR@FAU course program for spring 2025. Unless otherwise indicated, all courses include hands-on components. Hybrid Programming in HPC – MPI+X, Three-day hybrid tutorial at HLRS, Stuttgart, January 21-23, 2025. Registration clos...

Category: Allgemein, HPC, Teaching