The first patch for the newest GROMACS version 2024 was released end of February. Recently, several new GPGPUs were added to the test cluster at NHR@FAU. As we benchmarked our usual set of six simulation systems, we decided to write a follow-up on our GROMACS benchmark posts (Multi-GPU GROMACS Jobs ...

Category: Allgemein, HPC

The 21st NHR Newsletter is now available. In the August issue of our bulletin, we once again talk about the latest interesting events and results at the Erlangen National High Performance Computing Center. Our current topics include: Course program • AI from laptop to supercomputer web seminar...

Category: Allgemein, HPC, NHR-Newsletter

Since recently, a fast communication link connects the Erlangen Regional Computing Center (RRZE) with the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) on the research campus in Garching near Munich. This high-performance network can transmit 100 gigabits per second in each direction and ensures increased rel...

Category: All, Allgemein, HPC

The HPC portal, our platform for HPC account and project management, is currently (at least since 17:00) down. The reason is a problem with the underlying container infrastructure. We are working towards a solution, but it is currently unclear when the portal will be available again. We apologize...

Category: All, Allgemein, HPC