About us
NHR@FAU at a glance
Welcome to the Erlangen National High Performance Computing Center (NHR@FAU).
We offer resources, services and training in the fields of HPC and AI/ML to German researchers.
Key activities
Our interdisciplinary team
operates state-of-the-art supercomputers,
offers in-depth user and specialized application support,
offers dedicated AI support and a related training program,
provides HPC-related lectures,tutorials, and training, and
develops performance tools.
Our fields of expertise and research include
node-level performance engineering for CPUs and GPUs,
hardware-efficient and scalable building blocks for sparse solvers, and
atomistic simulations in all fields of science,
artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Self perception
The Erlangen National High Performance Computing Center (NHR@FAU) is a central institution of FAU. Within FAU it complements the general IT-services of RRZE. Jointly with Leibniz-Rechenzentrum (LRZ) Garching it operates the BayernKI infrastructure. Together with eight other HPC centers at German universities it forms the NHR Alliance and offers Tier-2 class capabilities on a national basis.
NHR@FAU’s organizational concept is designed to address high performance computing (HPC) and AI/ML in all their facets, including infrastructure design and operation, user support, in-depth collaborations with developers and application scientists, training, research, and specialized application expertise.
A focal point of our application related support activities are atomistic simulations ranging from quantum physics/chemistry to classical molecular dynamics applications. Within the NHR Alliance we collaborate with NHR@ZIB and PC2 in the Atomistic Simulation Center and offer expert support in chemistry, physics and molecular dynamics simulations.
NHR@FAU has a strong background in the fields of Performance Engineering (PE) for CPUs/GPUs and Performance Tools. We pursue active research and development and offer numerous trainings on these topics and coordinate related NHR-wide activities.
Our AI/ML experts support the broad community to enable and advance their AI/ML research on our large-scale central infrastructure. It is integral part of NHR activities and a central pillar of the BayernKI support services.