BayernKI: AI computing power and expertise at an international level

The “Hightech Agenda Bayern” has put Bavaria at the forefront of the global AI research. A new and crucial component has been established recently: The BayernKI infrastructure to support the development and research of innovative AI methods using modern, powerful AI systems. This infrastructure is open to researchers at all universities in Bavaria.
BayernKI systems are operated at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Garching and at the Erlangen National High Performance Computing Center (NHR@FAU) in modern, energy-efficient environments. As a second pillar of BayernKI the centers also provide expert support for AI projects and workflows and offer a rich training program.
In its first phase, BayernKI offers access to 320 NVIDIA H100 GPUs which are integral parts of larger warm-water cooled, densely packed systems at NHR@FAU and LRZ.
The new BayernKI portal offers a comprehensive overview of the current state of the BayernKI activities and the available AI computing capacity at the two sites. Applying for a project account at the portal is straightforward using a simple web form.
BayernKI’s computing infrastructure at LRZ and NHR@FAU will be further extended in the years to come as new generations of hardware become available. A total of 55 million € will be invested by the Free State of Bavaria as part of its Hightech Agenda.
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