SC24 – here we come!

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The world of high performance computing shall meet again this year at SC24, the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis, in Atlanta, GA, from November 17-22. This time, NHR@FAU is again involved in various activities.

As reported before, the FAU student team “FAUcet” will compete with other international student teams in the 48-hour “Student Cluster Competition,” putting together their own HPC cluster and running and optimizing applications under insane time and power constraints. Go, FAUcet!

On Sunday, November 17, a paper on “EE-HPC, a Framework for Energy-Efficient HPC System Management” will be presented at the Workshop on Sustainable Supercomputing. On Monday, two half-day tutorials give introductions to “Core-Level Performance Engineering” and “Performance Engineering for Linear Solvers.” On the same day, a paper on the microarchitectural comparison of the latest Intel, AMD, and NVIDIA CPU cores is presented at the renowned workshop “Performance Modeling, Benchmarking and Simulation of High Performance Computer Systems” (PMBS). And Tuesday will see the presentations of the research posters “Exploiting Data Compression and Low Precision for Exascale Fusion Turbulence Simulations” about the ongoing DaREXA-F project and “DisCostiC: Simulating MPI Applications Without Executing Code,” where the latter of the two has been selected as a best poster candidate.

Finally, NHR@FAU will present its software projects – first and foremost the LIKWID tool suite, the ClusterCockpit monitoring framework, and the OSACA performance modeling tool, at the LRZ booth (#3147). If you happen to be there, don’t miss this opportunity to chat and experience a bit of Bavarian ambiance!