Monthly HPC Café: File systems and efficient data handling (October 8, hybrid event)
The next HPC Café takes place on Tuesday, October 8, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. as a hybrid event. As always, there will be plenty of time to get in touch with your favorite HPC group. We invite you to come to RRZE to have coffee and cake.
Topic: File systems and efficient data handling
Speaker: Dr. Johannes Veh, NHR@FAU
Abstract: We still observe a lot of performance problems caused by jobs that handle data stored in file systems inefficiently. With a toxic data usage pattern, you will not only slow down your own job but also those of others, leading to reduced throughput for all users. Fortunately, many of these problems can be eliminated by simple measures and a basic understanding of what file systems are and what they can (not) do. This talk will detail the available file systems for data storage at NHR@FAU, their properties and usage scenarios, and typical “dos and dont’s” when handling files.
Material from past events is available at: