Monthly HPC Café: AI Round Table – State and Future of AI-based Research in Bavaria (June 11, hybrid event)

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Monthly HPC Café: AI Round Table – State and Future of AI-based Research in Bavaria (June 11, hybrid event)

Topic:  AI Round TableState and Future of AI-based Research in Bavaria

Speakers: Prof. Gerhard Wellein, NHR@FAU / Dr. Nicolay Hammer, LRZ / various AI users

Slides: BayernKI-NHR@FAU+LRZ.pdf

Abstract: We give an overview of the exciting new developments concerning AI research support in Bavaria and AI projects being conducted on NHR@FAU systems. First, Prof. Wellein (director NHR@FAU) and Dr. Nicolay Hammer (Head of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Team at LRZ Garching) will detail the near- and mid-term plans for extending the AI hardware and support infrastructure in Bavaria and the process for compute resource applications. These presentations will be in German. Then, a series of short presentations will provide insights into top-notch AI research projects from a variety of fields.

Material from past events is available at: