NHR helps connecting the fastest network in the world
Each year during the SC conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis, HPC-related science is at the center of attention. However, there is also a group of volunteers called SCinet, who provide the attendees with a dedicated high-capacity network infrastructure. This is the fastest and most powerful network in the world for the duration of the conference.
In 2022, there were 175+ volunteers from 80 organizations taking care of 450 Wi-Fi access points, roughly 60 miles of fiber, hardware, software, and services worth $70 million and achieving an incredible bandwidth of 5.01 Tbps.
Two of those volunteers were Anja Gerbes from NHR@TUD and Jan Laukemann from NHR@FAU. Jan is a PhD candidate at the Professorship for High Performance Computing here in Erlangen. They tell us their story in a blog post from WHPC:
Jan Laukemann, M. Sc.
Central Scientific Institutions
Erlangen National High Performance Computing Center
- Email: jan.laukemann@fau.de