ISC High Performance: May 21 – May 25, 2023, Hamburg | Open Calls and Student Volunteers

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ISC2023 - All calls are open

Open Scientific Calls for the Contributed Program of ISC 2023

The ISC Conference Program Management has started inviting papers for the contributed program in 2023. To view more information and the the contact address, please click on the button below.

The ISC research paper sessions provide world-class opportunities for engineers and scientists to present issues, trends, and results that will shape the future of high performance computing (HPC), machine learning, data analytics and quantum computing. Submitted research papers will be reviewed by the ISC 2023 Research Papers Committee, which is headed by Abhinav Bhatele, University of Maryland, USA as Chair, and Jeff Hammond, NVIDIA, Finland as Deputy Chair.

Submission overview:

Awards, important dates, areas of interest, and more


The ISC organizers will again sponsor the Hans Meuer Award, which recognizes the most outstanding research paper, selected by members of the research papers committee. The Hans Meuer Award includes a cash prize of 3,000 Euros for the paper’s authors.


Full Submission Deadline: December 23, 2022 23:59 AoE
Author Rebuttals: February 11 – 15, 2023
Notification of Acceptance: February 24, 2023
Camera-Ready Submission: March 17, 2023 23:59 AoE
Research Paper Sessions: Monday, May 22 – Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Final Presentation Slides in PDF due: tbd
Short pre-recorded Video due: tbd


Research Papers Chair: Abhinav Bhatele, University of Maryland, USA
Research Papers Deputy Chair: Jeff Hammond, NVIDIA, Finland
Proceedings Chair: Marc Baboulin, Université Paris-Saclay, France


The Research Papers Committee encourages the submission of high quality papers reporting original work in theoretical, experimental, and industrial research & development.

The ISC submission process will be divided into five tracks this year, as follows:

  • Architectures, Networks, & Storage
  • HPC Algorithms & Applications
  • Programming Environments & Systems Software
  • Machine Learning, AI, & Quantum Computing
  • Performance Modeling, Evaluation, & Analysis

Note: Submissions on other innovative aspects of high performance computing are also welcome. You will be asked to pick a primary and a secondary track from the five above for your submission.


Submission (December 23, 2022 23:59 AoE)

Submission Guidelines

Paper submissions must be formatted using LNCS style (see Springer’s website) and adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Use single-column format.
  • Text must be a maximum of 18 pages (including figures and references).
  • Use Springer’s LaTeX document class or Word template (see Springer’s Proceedings Guidelines).
  • Papers must be suitable for double-blind review (see ISC High Performance Double-Blind Review Guidelines).
  • Papers submitted for the Research Papers track should not have been previously published or under review for a different venue.

Note: A membership on a program committee does not inherently create a conflict of interest to submit a paper.

Review Process

  • Each paper is expected to receive a minimum of 4 reviews.
  • Double-blind peer-review will be used.
  • Papers will be evaluated based on novelty, fundamental insights, clarity of presentation, and potential for long-term impact.

The Research Paper Committee reserves the right to reject incorrectly formatted papers.

Rebuttal phase (February 11-15, 2023)

  • Initial reviewer comments will be made available to authors.
  • Authors can respond to clarify misunderstandings and answer questions.
  • Rebuttals will be submitted in written format and will have a tight deadline.
  • Authors will receive additional instructions via email.

Final decision (February 24, 2023)

  • All reviews and rebuttals will be considered by the paper’s track committee.
  • Live reviewer discussions will occur during the research paper committee meeting.
  • A consensus-driven approach will be used to select the strongest papers.
  • Notification of the papers’ outcomes will be sent to authors after the program committee’s meeting.


  • ISC 2023 is planned as an in-person conference from May 21 to May 25, 2023, in Hamburg, Germany. By submitting a research paper, the submitter agrees that one of the authors of the paper will present the work at ISC 2023 in Hamburg, Germany. For unforeseen circumstances that would prevent the chosen speaker from attending the event, the submitter/speaker should contact ISC organizers and the research paper chair as soon as possible to discuss different options.
  • The research paper sessions will be held from Monday, May 22, through Wednesday, May 24, 2023.
  • Every paper presenter needs to submit a short, pre-recorded summary video of the paper prior to the conference.
  • Presentation slides will be available within the event platform for registered attendees only.
  • Paper presenters need to be registered ISC 2023 participants. For accepted papers, one author is eligible for a complimentary conference participation pass.
  • Travel, accommodation, registration fees for other authors, and other such expenses will not be covered by the ISC organizers.


All accepted research papers will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. There are no fees related to the publication of accepted papers by Springer. The papers will also be available to download from Springer’s website for a limited time after ISC 2023.

Authors may also opt to publish open access versions of their papers through Springer if desired. Please refer to Springer’s website for further information and pricing.
Paper submissions are required to be no more than 18 pages in LNCS style. For the camera-ready version, authors are automatically granted two extra pages to incorporate reviewer comments.

Volumes published as part of the LNCS series are made available to the following indexing services:

  • Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI), part of Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science
  • EI Engineering Index (Compendex and Inspec databases)
  • ACM Digital Library
  • DBLP
  • Google Scholar
  • IO-Port
  • MathSciNet
  • Scopus
  • Zentralblatt MATH


The ISC organizers will make the presentation materials (short video and slides) available within the event platform for registered attendees only.


Email for submissions:

Email for organizational questions:


Call for Student Volunteers

The call for the ISC High Performance 2023 Student Volunteer Program opens December 1, 2022 until February 12, 2023.
In demand are dedicated and reliable students enthusiastic about high performance computing, machine learning, data analytics and quantum computing to help run the conference at the Congress Center Hamburg, Germany.

More information: