HPC intro course “Parallel Programming of High-Performance Systems 2022” (online)

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It is our great pleasure to announce the 2022 edition of our long-standing introductory High Performance Computing course in collaboration with LRZ Garching. It is targeted at students and scientists with interest in programming modern HPC hardware, ranging from department clusters to the large-scale parallel computing systems available at the GCS centers and in the NHR Alliance.

Course topics

  • Introduction to HPC, Systems in Germany
  • Elements of MPI and OpenMP
  • OpenMP in Depth
  • MPI in Depth
  • Basic Computer Architecture: Shared Memory
  • Basic computer architecture: Distributed Memory
  • Profiling Tools
  • Performance Pitfalls

The course language is English.

Time, date, location

Course dates: March 8-10, 2022, 9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

This is an online course. It will be conducted via Zoom. The Zoom access link will be made available to attendees a few days before the event.


Course participants should have a working UNIX/Linux knowledge and should be able to work remotely with a Linux system (login with secure shell, shell commands, compilers, simple makefiles, vi or emacs editors). A good working knowledge of at least one of the standard HPC languages is required: Fortran, C, or C++.

The course is open and free of charge for people from academia from the Member States (MS) of the European Union (EU) and Associated/Other Countries to the Horizon 2020 programme (see  https://ec.europa.eu/info/research-and-innovation/statistics/framework-programme-facts-and-figures/horizon-2020-country-profiles_en).


A detailed agenda and a registration link are available at:


Withdrawal policy

Please only register for the course if you are really going to attend. No-shows will be blacklisted and excluded from future events. The registration deadline is March 1.


Dr. Georg Hager

Head of Training & Support

Erlangen National High Performance Computing Center (NHR@FAU)
Training & Support Division