ZKI AK Supercomputing meeting held at RRZE

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The HPC group at the RRZE organized the ZKI AK Supercomputing (September 10th/11th, 2020), a biannual meeting for academic HPC data centers as well as industry partners. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s event was online only with Zoom. There were about 80 registrations for the event with 40-50 people in individual sessions. The main topics of the event were quantum computing and HPC security.

Despite the limitations, the event was a complete success, with interesting presentations and discussions. The digital platform was also used to try out new formats, such as a “speed dating” session and an evening session with Zoom breakout rooms. Another new feature of the conference was a lively panel discussion on the topic of HPC security.

The agenda and slides can be found on the meeting’s website.