Annual course “Parallel Programming of High Performance Systems” at RRZE, March 9-13, 2020

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“Parallel Programming of High Performance Systems” is the annual course provided by LRZ and RRZE, giving students and scientists a solid introduction to

  • Processor and HPC system architectures
  • Code development and basic tools
  • Basic code optimizations
  • Basics and limitations of parallelization
  • Parallel programming with OpenMP and MPI
  • Basic HPC tools

Hands-on sessions will enable participants to apply the concepts right away.

Prerequisites: A good working knowledge of at least one of the standard HPC languages (Fortran 95, C or C++) is required, as well as familiarity with a Linux environment (terminal, vi/emacs, SSH, compilation, etc.).

Although the federal HPC system at LRZ Garching is covered in some detail, most of the conveyed concepts are of general use.

This year the course is hosted by RRZE in Erlangen.

Location: University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Computer Science Building
Room 02.135-113
Martensstr. 3, 91058 Erlangen
Date: March 9-13, 2020, 9:00-18:00

There is no course fee for students and employees of academic sites (universities and research centers).

Since there is a considerable number of no-shows at these courses, registered participants who do not show up without explicit prior cancellation may be banned from future courses.